

The objective behind Mitosis is to create as much life as possible. Life starts out as a simple single entity life-form. Eventually through evolution, that entity can become more complex. To play Mitosis, you start out with your “home” flower and drag out new flowers from it. There are two types of flowers; resource flowers and defender flowers. Resource flowers gather resource points to allow you to build more flowers and chain them together creating giant webs of new entities.

Trigger Happy

Trigger Happy is a multi-player networked first person shooter that pits two teams against each other in various different match types. Players have at their disposal an arsenal of weapons and modifiers that they can use in combinations to achieve victory for their team. Modifiers are devices that alter localized areas in the environment that can alter the playing field for a player or their entire team. Modifiers include switching gravity, making a player larger and slower, reducing their friction, or even setting up decoy players that attract the enemy’s attention away from you.


Zeal is an augmented reality real time strategy game that makes use of fiduciary markers to control players units. Two players pit themselves against each other in the war for land control. They make use of these markers to move units across the battlefield to capture control points in key areas of the land. The first team to reach to 1000 points is determined the winner.


Quorum is a 2D networked survival space shooter that pits a crew of shuttle workers on a damaged space ship. Their mission is to traverse the void of space as an undermanned crew in order to reach their destination. Up to four players can cooperatively play together in a mission and test their will to survive. Players man stations that are housed on the ship and must work as a team to operate them effectively. There is a shield station, a piloting station, and various turret stations of different ranges, firing speeds, and damage amounts. Do you have what it takes to survive?

Windstorm: The Dawn of Icarus

Windstorm is a hotseat local multiplayer aerial deathmatch game that challenges up to 4 players to fly in their one-man fighter craft and gun down each other. Players make use of the WiiMote to control their ships as they perform death defying maneuvers in an attempt to outwit their opponents into submission. Players can boost through tunnels or perform loop-da-loops to get behind their opponents and gun them down with their homing missiles and laser cannons.