The long winding road


It’s taken me a long long time to finally get a chance to sit down and do this but I’ve finally setup my professional website! Now I won’t claim to be a web designer by any stretch of the imagination so good people of the internet, be gentle.

It’s been a long time since I’ve looked at any sort of code or procedure related to creating a webpage. That’s more than likely why this process was such a pain to finally get up and running. So for the past couple years, I’ve had this domain parked until I had time to create a website decent enough to show to industry folk for interviews and whatnot. Up until this point, when someone would type the URL in, it would redirect to my student page on RIT’s web server. Needless to say, it feels good to get rid of that horrid thing.

Actually getting this blog up and running was not as easy as it should have been. For whatever reason, GoDaddy’s installation of WordPress just wouldn’t agree with me. After several installs later, I scrapped the GoDaddy assisted installation procedure for the installation procedure straight from WordPress’ website. Low and behold, on the first go, everything works fine.

On that note, welcome to the internet…me.

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